Tamás Walicky - Media Artist
b (1959)
Tamás Waliczky presents and documents his work. He created "The Manifesto of Computer Art" in 1989 which outlines his views on the computer in art. This is available on the website: http://www.waliczky.net/.
He has created animations, installations and interactive works. The site also provides some Quicktime video clips online of some of his works.
Interesting approaches that he takes in his animations. Quoting from the website documentation:
"The basis for the image is a black-and-white drawing of a bare tree. "The forest" can also be viewed as a long vertical composition running in an infinite sequence. This is the first of several lines of movement in the animation. Waliczky copied the two-dimensional drawing onto the surface of a number of transparent cylinders. When the cylinders begin to revolve, the camera appears to pan to the right or left. This is the second line of movements. The virtual camera is also mobile: it can move forwards or backwards along a circular path within the forest, thereby forming the third line of movement. The combination of the three lines makes it possible to produce movements running in every direction. With this structure, Waliczky alters the whole system of coordinates on which the representation of space depends."
THE WAY (1994)
"Instead of having the vanishing point at its usual place (i.e., on the
horizon which represents endlessness), I've moved it to the closest possible
position next to the viewpoint. Since the viewpoint and the vanishing point are in nearly the same place in this system, every object dissappears before it reaches the viewer. The further an object is from the viewer, the larger it appears. The closer an object is, the smaller."
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