Jeffrey Shaw and Dennis Del favero - AVIE

AVIE -Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment (2004)

"The AVIE developed by Jeffrey Shaw and Dennis Del Favero consists of a 360° stereoscopic immersive interactive visualisation environment with motion and shape tracking systems and a multi-channel audio system. It is a set of state-of-the-art resources that enables the development and study of applications in the fields of immersive visualisation, immersive sonification, and human interaction design."

Project AVIE - 2004

The Project AVIE is documented on the iCinema website with Quicktime video clips online

Many projects both current and past are documented on the iCinema website (New South Wales, Australia). The iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research, established in 2001, ...brings together researchers and postgraduate students in new media, digital aesthetics, sociology of art, film theory, multimedia design, computer science, artificial intelligence and software/hardware engineering. The iCinema research program focuses on the research and development of immersive digital interactivity for applications within cinematic, mobile and home theatre contexts. ...The Centre has four principal research domains:
Interactive Narrative Systems
Immersive Visualization Systems
Distributed Interface Systems
Theories of Interactive Narrative Systems"
Jeffrey Shaw and Dennis Del favero - AVIE Jeffrey Shaw and Dennis Del favero - AVIE Reviewed by Maura McDonnell on Thursday, February 03, 2005 Rating: 5

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