SEE HEAR NOW - Moca - Visual Music Event

MOCA - Visual Music - SEE HEAR NOW

An experimental music series investigating the synaesthetic resonance between contemporary music and visual art.

Carter Tutti - Chessmachine

Skoltz_Kolgen present Flüux:/Terminal
Tom Recchion with Jonathon Rosen
William Basinski & James Elaine

"Tom Recchion takes prerecorded tape loops, keyboards, and effects and turns exotica into the kind of music you'd expect to hear in a tiki bar on a 22nd century space station. His performance is accompanied by live video mixing by New York filmmaker Jonathon Rosen. In an artistic sybiosis reminiscent of Merce Cunningham and John Cage, musician and auteur William Basinski and filmmaker James Elaine have created subtle films and music together for over 20 years, with the seamlessly integrated quality of their work beautifully illustrating the thesis of Visual Music."

Raster-Noton Artists: Frank Bretschneider, Olaf Bender (aka Byetone), Signal

Bell Solaris
"Bell Solaris, Twelve Metamorphoses in Piano Theater, began as a concert-length composition for solo piano by American experimental music pioneer David Rosenboom, who built the music upon an underlying narrative about evolution expressed through transfigured myths. Now, renowned theater and opera director Travis Preston has conceived an enveloping theatrical experience of the same piece. Following an intricate choreography, a large ensemble of performers interacts with the on-stage musical performance while wearing multiple video cameras and moving projectors to capture and display performance images."

Synaesthesia - Filmmakers Listen, Composers See"This weekend of film and live music includes provocative new works and milestone collaborations: films by avant-garde icons Stan Brakhage and Ed Emshwiller, who both worked with 20th century composers; a live reenactment of the Erik Satie/René Clair collaboration for the Surrealist fantasy Entr’acte; and contemporary musical responses to historic films by 1920s pioneers Germaine Dulac and Teinosuke Kinugasa (A Page of Madness). Experimental Intermedia founder Phill Niblock collaborates with CalArts musicians in a profound meditation on sound and labor, and Bob Ostertag and Pierre Hébert's Living Cinema will create both the film and the soundtrack for Endangered Species live on stage. This weekend is curated by the CalArts School of Film/Video and School of Music."

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SEE HEAR NOW - Moca - Visual Music Event SEE HEAR NOW - Moca - Visual Music Event Reviewed by Maura McDonnell on Monday, March 07, 2005 Rating: 5

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