Edwin van der Heide - Sound Modulated Light #1

Edwin van der Heide - Sound Modulated Light #1 Installation

sound modulated light installation screenshot

"Sound Modulated Light #1 is an environment of light and sound. The sound is not present acoustically, but is radiated by the lights. The light sources are the carriers of the sound. Every light source in the arranged space has a double
role, simultaneously being part of the light design and part of the sound design. The sound is modulated on top of the light by means of intensity modulation. The lights flicker, but mostly at a speed that cannot be perceived by the human eye."
source text

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Edwin van der Heide - Sound Modulated Light #1 Edwin van der Heide - Sound Modulated Light #1 Reviewed by Maura McDonnell on Friday, January 28, 2005 Rating: 5

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