Tate Modern - Expanded Cinema Symposia

Activating the Space of Reception

"Featuring lectures, discussions, performances, projections and installations, this major international conference presents a critical appraisal of an expanding field of film and video art from multi-screen, immersive, performance-based live-projections through to interactive, digital and virtual reality multi-media events."...

"Works identified as Expanded Cinema often open up questions surrounding the spectator's construction of time/space relations, activating the spaces of cinema and narrative as well as other contexts of media reception. In doing so it offers an alternative and challenging perspective on filmmaking, visual arts practices and the narratives of social space, everyday life and cultural communication"...

"The conference is part of an AHRC (Arts & Humanities Research Council) funded project entitled Narrative Exploration in Expanded Cinema set up by the late Dr Jackie Hatfield. Conducted by Duncan White and David Curtis, the project - based at the British Artists Film and Video Study Collection at Central St Martins, College of Art & Design (University of the Arts London) in collaboration with Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee - seeks to explore the various histories of expanded cinema and their impact on the question of narrative, space and time in experimental film and art practices."...

During the three days, there will be opportunities to visit installations of three landmark British Expanded Cinema installations:
Steve Farrer, The Machine, 1978-88
Tamara Krikorian, Time Revealing Truth, 1983
Lis Rhodes, Light Music, 1975

See: http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/eventseducation/symposia/18016.htm

Abstracts and Speakers Bibliographies at:

Speaker of note: Cindy Keefer of Center for Visual Music

Cindy Keefer (Centre for Visual Music, USA)
Raumlichtkunst to Vortex: Early Expanded Cinema Experiments of Oskar Fischinger and Jordan Belson (1926-1959)
Tate Modern - Expanded Cinema Symposia Tate Modern - Expanded Cinema Symposia Reviewed by Maura McDonnell on Saturday, April 25, 2009 Rating: 5

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